Check out the week's photos here!
Halfway through
The meeting chugged along again, with only one disaster: the network was down for a while (=panic!) on Wednesday because of an apparent DDos attack and so people actually had to
Google schmoogle
Wednesday night was the Google party. Because wandering through a tense and riot-prone city in a group of 200 plus people is not really a good idea, and given that the Estonian police have rather large batons and menacing looking cannisters of tear gas, the location of the party had to be changed at the last minute. Instead of a short walk from hotel to venue, we had to get on a bus and zoomed off to somewhere on the coast.
Flaming heck, where are her knickers?
Given the fact that at least 85% of the audience is male, I think the party organisers made a very good choice. In fact, I have never seen such concentration on so many faces in my life. And, the number of cameras and phones around was unnerving.
Sing it, baby!
We got the first bus back to the hotel and descended upon the Karaoke bar where I proceeded to monopolise the stage and microphone as per usual when Karaoke is involved. Unfortunately, some poor Finnish bird croaked her way through MySongTM (Britney Spears hahaha) so I had to do some renditions of songs I don't normally do.
Someone fire the Karaoke man!
We all got in trouble with Karaoke man, who was the meanest, grumpiest, most miserable pig on the planet. I'm not joking: "Stop dancing over there, my remote control won't work. I mean it, get away from there. BEHAVE YOURSELVES." He was rude and nasty when anyone asked for a song.
KGB Surprise!
When the Russian's were around, the hotel we are staying in was the first (and only) hotel for foreigners.

The RIPE Dinner
The infamous RIPE Dinner took place on Thursday night. There was a random old bloke with Albert Einstein hair from Estonia who stood up and talked for about 25 minutes. His speech was totally inaudible and after 35 seconds 99% of the audience were scrabbling around their tables for the vodka shot glasses and hoping he'd shut up very soon. By the time he did stop talking, there was much loud applause and cheering in relief that the annoying noise in the background, er I mean the really interesting history of Estonia had stopped. Then the fat swordsman came on stage and did a bit of prancing around with his sword and two skinny companions which culminated in fatty being stabbed through the armpit and pretending to die. It was pretty dire. Then there was a little traditional medieval band with a woman yowling like a cat in pain and a bloke with a very concentrated face banging a drum every now and then. The woman was totally cross eyed, poor cow.
I love cheese
Fortunately, there was enough cheese on the buffet to keep me occupied and I wolfed down copious amounts of smoked cheese. Yum, washed down with some shots of voddy for good measure. I liked this tradition of putting bottles of voddy on the tables at the beginning of the night. After drinking nothing but water for the next three hours, I simply couldn't understand why I felt like a combine harvester had driven over me a few times in my sleep...until I remembered that actually, all that water was interspersed with several shots of rough-as-you-like local vodka. hmmm.
IPv6 forever!
Being someone who carries an enormous bag full of crap everywhere I go, I decided that tonight was the night to travel light and I didn't take my bag or my camera. Oh how I wish I had. Once the dinner and 'funny' entertainment was over (thank gawd Sandra cancelled half of the entertainment at the last minute, notably "host will entertain guests with humourous activities that guests can participate in". I shudder at the thought of what that could be.) The dancefloor got rocking as per usual at these events. My favourite memory of the evening was Jordi Palet jumping up and down like the energiser bunny shouting, in his wonderful Spanish accent, "IPv6 Forever!!!!". ARF ARF ARF.
WE go to nightclub, oh yes, we go drink and dance
So, after the vodka had run out, we clomped back to the hotel and decided to hit the nightclub in the basement along with the Russian whores, the drunken Fins and some random meeting attendees. My god what a meat market! Filiz and I managed to sneak out after half an hour...got halfway up the stairs when we heard a song that we simply had to run back to dance to...I won't tell you what that song was for fear of reprisals and the tarnishing of my already impeccable reputation. Anyway, I got to bed at 3am: most people were still going strong.
Do you know the way to "eooough"
The meeting closed at lunchtime without a hitch and so it's over for another 6 months. All the RIPE NCC-ers left over met up for dinner and some of us decided to go to restaurant "eoooogh" ('o' with an umlaut) which we'd heard was the best in town. After trying very unsuccesfully to find it, we finally got directions from someone who actually knew where it was, arrived, and found they didn't have room for us. So we went to the Garlic restaurant, which was the original plan anyway, and scoffed lots of garlic. Om Yom. Chris had garlic ice cream which was, hmmm, an acquired taste.
GaAa rruaAAAGRH uunhhgh RAAAAG (that's Finnish thrash metal band)
So, as we are eating our lovely civilized meal with live violin and guitar music playing in the background, we were rudely interrupted by the most amazing bass I've ever heard.
"I love Peeing"
At the dinner on Thursday, De-Cix, the sponsors, gave out stickers that said "I love peering" [note for non-geeks and geeklings: it's a techy thing, not a synonym of the word 'look'].
It didn't take long for the comedians among us to rip up the stickers and make hilarious new stickers, saying "I love pee" and "I love peeing" etc etc. As I was wandering around the town on Friday, what should I see on a random lamppost?
Hello Kitty ... #2!
So, as always, I try to find a supermarket and peruse the shelves for UEO (unidentified edible objects) to take back for the ganets, er I mean lovely colleagues. I only found one unidentifiable thing (pictured - my guess is that it's some sort of Turkish Delight) but I also found some funny named chocolate.
Interesting observations #3
1. Eheheh, saw this cafe and thought the name was dead funny, as it sounds like Dr Evil doing his silly laugh. Mmuuuuuah.
2. Check out these flags.

First step Estonia...next step the UN....then....THE WORLD!
3. Look, look, look, LOOK! I found MOOMIN chewing gum :):