The afternoon shift is dragging, although we have had several people in the booth, most need to talk with the ICANN and ISOC guys. I did manage to lure in an NCC member (France Telecom) with the promise of a much-sought after memory stick.

Today, the Russians treated us to some traditional Russian music (it is me, or does all of it sound like the theme to Tetris?) They've got an entire band here.
Being full of techy geeks, I was expecting loads of gadgety giveaways but all I've got is a plastic gold egg from the Russian stand in as very large and ornate box (and I didn't even get given that, I just found a discarded one in our storage cupboard!)

Fortunately, the Egypt booth across the way has a little coffee/tea bar which has kept me stocked up with caffine (although I have to go sleathily, as one of the Egyptians has taken a bit of a shine to me and I don't want to go through the whole 'how many camels' thing again ;-). )

1 comment:
Right then Suse, you obviously need some mandarin assistance then if anyone else starts giving you funny looks you can hit right back with "dang xin, wo bi ni da" (="Just watch out cos I'm bigger than you"- rarely a chance for you to say this in NL but probably good for any situation you'll find yourself in Hong Kong) ;D
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