Watch the movie
Yes, there really is a movie! Watch it here.
Strategic sneezing
Last weekend, orf I trotted to Amstelveen's European Go Centre (see below), equipped with printouts of every acceptable
Scrabble's, like, really cool man
The journey from tram stop to location was uneventful and I am glad I overruled my own inner monologue which was telling me "you don't need a map, you'll find it" and printed out a map. Good job I did, as I had convinced myself it was going to be right next door to the tram stop for some reason, which of course it wasn't. Once I arrived, I was quite surprised to see a people of my age as well as older people there, having convinced myself that my opponents would all be retirees. Not so! Scrabble really *is* cool after all.
Did I win, did I win?
There were two leagues. Needless to say I played in the one with the lower ranked and unranked players. Day one got started, and I lost my first game. No matter, I thought, I'll win the next one...which I didn't...waaah. Anyway, to cut a long story short and to prevent myself repeating "and I lost game number x too", I played 12 games over two days, won 4 and lost 8. I did however, pull off an amazing win in my last game, and scored my highest ever number of points, 504, and my highest ever number of bingos (7 letter words) in one game: dingier, stealing, beloved and remains. I was dead proud of myself, hurrah!!!
On day one, the theme was 'flowers'. Anyone who played a word related to flowers could put their word and points on the board and perhaps win a prize. There was one entry for this competition. But on day two the theme was 'sex' and my god, the number of entries for this competition was huge and there were some pretty bizarre words. I had three entries but I didn't win... the winning word, with the highest points, was, ahem, fistings. HA HA HA. Although I think my entry of 'muff' was much, much better :).
Online Scrabble vs face-to-face
As someone who plays online a lot, playing ProperHumansTM is quite different to online games. When you play online, the software adds up the scores for you.
What's this Go stuff?
The tournament was held in the European Go Centre which is a rather odd place. It's stuck in the middle of a residential area and is full of poky little rooms and a bar - if you ever have the pleasure to go there, don't get the tea unless you like it lukewarm (me, I prefer it to scald a bit on the way down as I seemingly posses a teflon coated gullet).
What's next in my career as a Scrabble player?
Well, to get an official ranking I need to play in another tournament and then keep playing in order for my ranking to go up (or down as the case will probably be). I'll definitely play again if the tournament is in Holland although I'm not sure if I could be persuaded to travel to the UK yet...but who knows. I've mastered all the accepted two letter words so now I'll move onto the threes. My gawd, there's LOADS of them...
* For non Scrabblers, this means the letters you can add to the beginning or end of a word to make a new word. See, the gems of wisdom you learn from me. Keep that one in the mushy folds of your cortex for retrieval at dinner parties.
1 comment:
You will have a provisional ranking now, and a permanent rating after just 3 more rated games. However, the ranking is really quite meaningless until you've played about 100 rated games. At that point, from what I've seen, you become fixated on that little number.
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