Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Toilet humour

6 December, 11:30 pm

Another day on the booth. It seemed quieter today than yesterday and people weren't even sneaking in to snatch handfuls of pens. We did have a few regulator-ish people coming over but Save from ICANN dealt with most of those. We got the PA system and microphone headset set up (we decided that barking at people as loud as possible was the best way to frighten them into staying in our booth for a bit) but no one has used it yet. I was really hoping to see Paul prancing about a-la Madonna "IP is a mystery, everyone will stand in awe, NRO hears you call its name..."

We went to Hong Kong island for lunch because everyone (Paul, Filiz, Nurani, Nick and Hirshan) wanted to go to a 'proper authentic noodle bar'. I'm in the wrong part of the world, really I am. What's tasty about a bowl of chicken broth, nasty noodles and prawns covered in slime, or wanton thingy or whatever it is? Anyway, they all loved it, and I gave my wantons to Filiz and stocked up on sweet potato chips afterwards. We took the infamous Star Ferry from HK island to Kowloon. I'm sure the view of all the tower blocks IS amazing but, hello people, SMOG?

Anyway, so off we trail down the back alleys to find Nick's new best friend, Michael the tailor. Kicking myself for not having a camera: this guy is the cutest, sweetest, old and bent over Chinese man I have ever seen! He should seriously be making money as 'stereotypical old Chinese guy' in Hollywood movies. Hopefully Filiz has a nice picture of him because he was utterly endearing.

Then we wandered around and and I bought the shoes I'd seen the other day (plus another pair to keep them company) and some the cutest, fluffiest hallo kitty slippers for my niece (who won't be able to weat them for the next few years, but oh well...). When we could all no longer walk from exhaustion, we sat down for a drink and then had some eats.

Interesting observations

- The scaffolding on all the buildings is made from bamboo, which is then wrapped in this green netting stuff so that every building looks like it's completely wrapped up. Even the 65-storey building has bamboo scaffold all the way to the top.

- Public toilets are holes in the ground. The flush on normal toilets is usually a little square button on the right hand side.

- When I bought bottle of water at the Seven Eleven just now, the two ladies said something and laughed looking at me. I thought hold on, they are laughing at me! So I raised my eyebrows in a quizzical manner, pretending to be offended by what they said. One lady said, "oh sorry! Please, no bitter!". HA HA HA. BUSTED. I wonder what they said...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its a great story susie q bring back moi a fake handbag but erm Ill skip your disposable "briefs" ps its Sinta Claus avond here but Im laid in bed ordering a chicken tjap tjoy. If you dont like chinky food ( i dont either ) you should order a tjap tjoy with rice plain. Thats veggie and ok on belly